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Marvel's Avengers Alliance: Plug Pulled.


NEW BERLIN, ARGENTINA – In a final decision, for the sake of pride in the Fuhrer, and the memory of Walt Disney. They could not keep producing a game that promoted the ideals of a Captain America and bashed the SS and their Red Skull.
“We can’t have the Furher’s memory treated this way,” said a Disney official. He went on to say that “the fans should blame the Jews,” and that they should “embrace the final solution.”
Disney plans on rebooting it with a new game, “Red Skull’s Hydra Heroes,” to show off the positive side of offering Jews and homosexuals free transport and funerals and benefit of free labor and Cigarette, Booze free, Vegan life styles.
In a final statement, “Vote Stein” was yelled from Disney’s Once Secret Layer in Argentina.
Disney promises no more attacks on Nazis in future electronic media and asks people to buy their latest Train Simulation Game.
1000 Gold isn’t the end for MAA players, offering a prize of silver to all those who defend their decision.

Categories Entertainment, Video Games

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