Fuck, I agreed with Ayn Rand...... Even if it were proved - which it is not - that the incidence of men of potentially superior brain power is greater among the members of certain races than among the members of others, it would still tell us nothing about any given individual and it would be irrelevent to one's judgment of him. A genius is still a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race. - Ayn Rand, "The Virtue of Selfishness" The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities. - Ayn Rand In the United States it was precisely the capability of IQ tests to ferret beneath superficial qualities of race, ethnicity, and social class that made it possible to turn up instance after instance of young people brimming with superior talent yet denied admission to the nation's elite schools, while far less talented "gentlemen" of the proper racial and religious background got in. http://homepage.eircom.net/~odyssey/Politics/Quotes/Race.html