"Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." -- John Adams (1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President http://liberty-tree.ca/qb/John.Adams.Quote.7222 "No good government but what is republican... the very definition of a republic is 'an empire of laws, and not of men.'" -- John Adams (1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President Source: "Thoughts on Government" January, 1776 http://liberty-tree.ca/qb/John.Adams.Quote.3B82 "All good government is and must be republican. But at the same time, you can or will agree with me, that there is not in lexicography a more fraudulent word... Are we not, my friend, in danger of rendering the word republican unpopular in this country by an indiscreet, indeterminate, and equivocal use of it? [...] Whenever I use the word republic with approbation, I mean a government in which the people have collectively, or by representation, an essential share in the sovereignty... the republican forms in Poland and Venice are much worse, and those of Holland and Bern very little better, than the monarchical form in France before the late revolution." -- John Adams (1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President Source: Adams to Samuel Adams, 18 Oct, 1789 in Works, VI:415,420-421 http://liberty-tree.ca/qb/John.Adams.Quote.7B54 "[I] never understood [what a republican government was and] I believe no other man ever did or ever will." -- John Adams (1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President Source: Adams to Mercy Warren, July 20, 1807, in MHS Collections 5th ser. IV, 1878 http://liberty-tree.ca/qb/John.Adams.Quote.7BC1 "The science of government it is my duty to study, more than all other sciences; the arts of legislation and administration and negotiation ought to take the place of, indeed exclude, in a manner, all other arts. I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain." -- John Adams (1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President Source: in a letter to Abigail Adams, 1780 http://liberty-tree.ca/qb/John.Adams.Quote.0CAD "The Revolution was effected before the War commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments of their duties and obligations ... This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people, was the real American Revolution." -- John Adams (1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President February 13, 1818 http://liberty-tree.ca/qb/John.Adams.Quote.DC64