"We live in a police state. There's no doubt about it. When we walk out of our home, get in our car and go down the street, they can set up random roadblocks; make us get out of our car; bring up a dog to sniff us and our car's contents. Do you think John Wayne would have put up with that?" -- Gatewood Galbraith; http://www.gatewood.com/; "The Last Free Man" http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1932672354/courtjester/ http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/1932672354/theofficiblac-20/ "We can restore liberty by taking government out of our bedrooms, our bloodstreams, our bladders, our brains, our businesses and our back-pockets". --Gatewood Galbraith (Cand. Gov.) '95; http://www.gatewood.com/